
Environmental protection

2023-03-18 12:30:46

Placing climate change response as a high priority to achieve sustainabledevelopment, we continue to improve our environmental control system. Theassessment of climate change risks and opportunities is conducted in strictcompliance with Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) andfollow-up actions are taken to reduce carbon emissions and pollution, improveresource management capacity, lower the adverse impact on environment and boostgreen development.

n  Our performance

l  In 2022, the greenhouse gasintensity is 0.07 t/RMB 10,000, the energy consumption intensity is 0.19t / RMB 10,000, the water consumption intensity is 2.04 t / RMB 10,000,the harmless waste discharge intensity is 18.05 t / RMB 10,000 and thehazardous waste discharge intensity is 0.40 t / RMB 10,000.

l  In 2022, we achieved the goal ofreducing the wastewater discharge intensity by 5%

n Our Approach to Environmental Protection

We improve our internal environmental management system. Theidentification of climate change risks and opportunities and disclosure ofcarbon emissions are further improved. By virtue of upgrading technologies andtechniques, we have improved our management of energy, water resources andpackaging materials.

We endeavor to promote energy conservation and consumption reduction,raise water use efficiency and packaging reduction, thereby dedicating to cleanproduction and green ecological environment.

We try to communicate to the public the green philosophy by rolling outrelevant activities and organizing a variety of events, such as the recyclingof expired drugs, afforestation and waste sorting, to strengthen public green awareness.With a highlight on plantation recovery and protection, we gather strengthsfrom different parties to reverse the loss and accelerate the recovery ofbiodiversity.

n Our Stories